Friday, August 31, 2012

Ending The Month In Red & Black

Be warned that shopping @ [AsYLUM] can be quite a bloody affair, lol.

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Glasses: Kumaki - K_gs Peasta. 
Pants: +grasp+/Cargo sarrouel shorts(mesh)/MonogramRed/Men's (7 more designs available, can be worn with and without suspenders) 
Shoes: ..:: Energie ::. Champions Sneakers (colour changeable) 

Hair: REDGRAVE - Hairstyle CRUZ – BLACK (New Release!)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

New from REDGRAVE, Crickets & [ BuFu ]

REDGRAVE has released a cool new hairstyle for men. The short-cropped Hair “CRUZ” consists of three elements: front part, back part & hairbase. This way you can wear it easily with any cap or hat, just leave away the front part! It's available in four colours: black, greying, brown and blond. Click the link and check it out on SL Marketplace! 

Crickets just released a new outfit that you can still pick up at a discounted price. This time only the denim vest and the shoes are mesh items, but it includes a lot of other accessories.

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Cap: .::[BuFu]::. - Prod0.7_ Cap Custom / Yellow (10 colours/designs available) 
Outfit (incl. Necklace, Wrist Cuffs & Shoes): Crickets  "Terrence"Mesh (Pants = regular with prim cuffs) 

Hair: REDGRAVE - Hairstyle CRUZ – BLACK. 
Tattoo: :Wicked Tattoos: - Goddess (Lucky Board # 2 prize)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

¡Viva la Revolución!

Ideal for roleplay, most parts supplied by DECO and by *chronokit*. Enjoy!

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MESH (click here for your taxi to DECO) 
Hat: **DECOmpose - MESH Bandito Sombrero** 
Poncho: **DECOmpose - MESH His Bandito Poncho** 
Pants: *chronokit* Fabre Pants 01 Beige. 
Boots: **DECO - MESH Rivet Boots (dirt)** 

Tattoo (left): Endless Pain Tattoos - Rebel Angel vol. 2 (Fashion Voodoo) 
Weapon: **DECOmpose - Muffler Rifle** 

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fashion Voodoo Revisited

The Fashion Voodoo (FV), hosted by Depraved Nation, still runs till August 30th, 2012. Enough reason to take another look at the exclusive new releases available. 

Here's your taxi to the official landing point! Use area search to find the individual stores!

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

FV - Tank Top (left): .:: [F]uchOn ::. Tank Top Mesh Graffitti #02 (of 4 designs available) 
FV – T-Shirt (right): DROP . Mesh V/N Tee Border GrayBlue (6 colours/designs available) 
Pants (left): *chronokit* Culottes Sarrouel Pants Cow (Multiple colours/textures available!) 
Pants (right): *chronokit* Culottes Sarrouel Pants Navy. 
FV - Shoes (left): **DECO - MESH Rivet Boots (3 new colours available)** 
FV - Shoes (right): [AsYLUM] Slip Ons (Fashion VooDoo Exclusive) 

FV – Glasses (right): SuPerBia - Accessories - Checkerl Glasses - FP - B 
FV - Tattoo (left): Endless Pain Tattoos - Rebel Angel vol. 2 
Wrist Cuff (left): Menstuff Hunt Gift #35 Rookhold 

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

FV - Gas Mask (left): A&Y - Cyber Gas Mask Inferno (with HUD) 
FV – T-Shirt (left): [ SAKIDE ] V-Neck Men Tees Premium (each set includes the t-shirt in black and in white, 6 designs available) 
FV – Shirt (right): "=AnDreChi=" -Check Shirts_mesh Male (available in blue, green and red) 
Pants (left): *chronokit* Culottes Sarrouel Pants Camouflage. 
Pants /right): =Razorblade Jacket= Jaw Breaker /// Worn Jean Short - Black @ The Men's Department (see also here) 
Shoes (right): Menstuff Hunt Gift #17 Adjunct 

FV - Shoes (left): [essencial] - Combat Boots

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stylish Bathrobes from ALB Dream Fashion

“He was enjoying a relaxing pipe in his favourite armchair near the fireplace when a strange noise made him jump up ...” 

Wearing the newly released bathrobe from ALB Dream Fashion and the bronze boots from sf design (which are on sale only tomorrow, Monday, for a mere 25 L$).

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Bathrobe: ALB Dream Fashion - CASABLANCA bathrobe MEN + 10 color HUD (Group members should pick up their free grey/black version!) 

Hair & Hairbase: Alli&Ali Designs - A&APhil Hair Black (New rotating Male Board Prize. The board will send you the prize once the target is reached – however long that takes!) 
Shoes: sf design - elfin boots male bronze (Monday Mania Sales Item)

A Polo Shirt In All Colours From SF Design

SF Design just released a polo shirt which offers you a choice of seven preset colours. Plus, you can tint the white version all other colours you like, all by a simple click on the colouring HUD. The set also includes two different designs: plain and hooped.

So, what are you waiting for? This is definitely a must-have in everybody's mesh wardrobe and for a mere 150 L$ a very affordable one on top!

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Polo Shirt: sf design - mesh polo shirt colour change. 
Pants: Menstuff Hunt Gift #102 PXDTOXIC 
Shoes left: REDGRAVE - Sneakers Miles - Grey/Pink/ 
Shoes right: REDGRAVE - Sneakers Miles – Grey/Yellow/ 

Hair: Dura-Boy37(Black)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

MENstuff Hunting Down Under

You should really check out the latest skin/shape/hair release from REDGRAVE if you haven't done so yet. It'll be worth your while, wink! Click here for your taxi!

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Jacket & T-Shirt: Menstuff Hunt Gift #60 !Funk 
Pants: Menstuff Hunt Gift #147 REDGRAVE 

Hat & Necklace: Menstuff Hunt Gift #132 HUDSON's Clothing Co. 
Skin: REDGRAVE - TYLER - Tan / Bundle 
Hair, Shape & Eyes: REDGRAVE – TYLER (Can each be bought separately to complete your look!)
Shoes: DECO - MESH Rivet Boots (dirt)** Limited 50 L$ Sale

Friday, August 24, 2012

Where's The Fish?

+grasp+ released their new “Loose style shirts” in 7 colours/designs. The t-shirt offers a choice of 6 colours/designs. The casual off-the-shoulder look fits nicely with the “Cargo sarrouel shorts” +grasp+ released a short while ago.

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

MESH (click here for your taxi to +grasp+) 
Shirt/T-Shirt Combination (top): +grasp+/Loose style shirts(Mesh)/Denim_White Shirt/T-Shirt Combination (below): +grasp+/Loose style shirts(Mesh)/Denim_Black 
Pants: +grasp+/Cargo sarrouel shorts(mesh)/MonogramGray/Mens (7 more designs available, can be worn with and without suspenders)

Hair: *Dura Boys&Girls*34 Dark Brown (New Release!) 
Skin: Egoisme - Evian - Davide Tan (Can be bought in a fatpack with VIVIDTONE option to colour the skin in an individual tone)

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

50 L$ Limited Shoe Sale @ DECO

DECO is offering its customers the chance to stock up on their boots and sneakers for a price you can only call a steal. So, don't miss out on this opportunity and get yourself some
  • MESH Classic Sneaks (4 colours available),
  • MESH Harness Boots (4 colours available) and
  • MESH Rivet Boots (3 colours available)
or whatever other pair of footwear suits your tastes. Enjoy! 

Btw: I'm showing you some other nice new releases together with my new MESH Classic Sneaks (black) on the picture. Check them out, too!

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Jackets: Anymore - Letterman Jacket (4 colours/designs available) 
Pants: sf design - andy shorts black mesh and non mesh (3 colours/designs available) 
Shoes: DECO - MESH Classic Sneaks (Black)

Hair: Alli&Ali Designs - A&A Shorty Hair Light brown (Group Gift)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Casual Blazers & Chinos @ EPICOSITY

It is again an epic release that EPICOSITY offers to its customers: Both, Chinos and closed blazers, come in 9 different colours. The blazers include a wear-alone and a wear-with-shirt option. The shirts can be retextured via pop-up menu to any of 15 colours. This makes for an amazing 9x9x15=1,215 different colour combinations if you buy their Pudgy Packs (= fat packs).

On the picture I show you two colour versions of the pants and blazers-with-shirt options (left & right) and one with the wear-alone blazer in combination with a t-shirt and glasses from LikeA (center) from my inventory.

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Worn on the left:
EPICOSITY - {EPIC} Casual Blazer - Olive
EPICOSITY - {EPIC} Casual Chino - Gray

Worn in the middle:
EPICOSITY – {EPIC} Casual Blazer - Slate
EPICOSITY - {EPIC} Casual Chino - Chocolate

Worn on the right:
EPICOSITY – {EPIC} Casual Blazer - Oxblood
EPICOSITY – {EPIC} Casual Chino - Khaki

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Enjoying La Dolce Vita in SL

Ciccia Bergamasco, owner of INNUENDO Italian Style, has released a series of summer outfits for men which are perfect for outings to the beach, taking a sailing trip or enjoying la dolce vita sipping your Latte Macchiato in a street café. Their colours are inspired by the four elements: air, water, fire and earth, and they each include a pair of shoes.

On the picture I'm showing you the two versions Water (left) and Fire! The pants and over-the-shoulder sweater are mesh items, the layered t-shirt comes with a prim bottom. 

Btw: The Fire outfit (*FUOCO*) is on sale right now for only 55 L$. Be sure to buy it from the promo vendor and not the regular vendor and don't forget to join the group first.

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Hair:Alli&Ali Designs - A&A Brad Hair Dark Chocolate (limited promotion, free)

Outfits: *ACQUA* by Ciccia Bergamasco (click here for your taxi!)

Outfits: *FUOCO* by Ciccia Bergamasco - Promo 55 L$ only - (click here for your taxi!)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Emo At The Beach

Using mostly gifts from the MENstuff Hunt to create today's look. Enjoy!

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Blazer: Menstuff Hunt Gift #85 =Razorblade Jacket= 
Pants: Menstuff Hunt Gift #59 ::7Style:: 
Shoes: ..:: Energie ::. Champions Sneakers (colour changeable) 

Hair: Menstuff Hunt Gift #2 KMADD 
Skin: Menstuff Hunt Gift #14 {.essences.} 
Necklace: ..:: HollyWeird ::.. Nkisi -Necklace- (Fashion Voodoo Exclusive) 
Tank: Menstuff Hunt Gift #84 RGDW 

( => click picture to enlarge !)  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Exploring The Gallery Gift Shop

Art can be dangerous, you know! You always run the risk of it making you think. Better draw the blinds and let down the shutters. It's safer, trust me!

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Glasses: Kumaki - K_gs TheWindow (The Gallery Gift Shop Exclusive) 
Outfit: FATEwearCarter (Gift for registering with the Subscribe-O-Matic)

Shoes: .:: Energie ::. CARGO Camo Boots (colour changeable)

Limited Sale @ Gabriel & SF Design

You can buy this short sleeved summer shirt for 99 L$ from Gabriel @ their three day sale ending August 22nd, 8am SLT.

To get the cool jeans shorts you need to be faster. They are available for 25 L$ only today as Monday Mania Sales Item @ SF Design. The clue: The package contains both a mesh and a regular version with prim cuffs.

I smell coffee, yay!
( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Shirt: Gabriel - ::GB::MESH short-sleeved shirt (RED tune) (New Release!) 
Pants: sf design - andy shorts (mesh and non-mesh version included) 
Shoes: Gabriel - ::GB::MESH BOAT SHOES ( RED).(4 wear options, blogged before)

Hair: Alli&Ali Designs - A&A Hayden Hair Dark Brown (This Week's Group Gift) 
Necklace: Menstuff Hunt Gift #81 The Jewellery Exchange 
Tattoo: :Wicked Tattoos: - Never Ending Story. 
Watch: Menstuff Hunt Gift #10 Culture Fine Jewelry

Now which one is my cup?
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Legal Insanity @ Sydney Fashion Week

Legal Insanity released 6 aloha shorts @ the Sydney Fashion Week. I combined one of them with one of their previously released Jimi shirts.

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

T-Shirt: Legal Insanity - Jimi shirt moustache (multiple designs available) 
Pants: Legal Insanity - aloha shorts - orange (Sidney Fashion Week Exclusive) 
Shoes: ..:: Energie ::. League Sneakers (colour changeable)

Hair: *Dura Boys&Girls*34 Black (New Release!)

Furthermore Legal Insanity released a series of 8 maxos shorts. They come in 4 colours (black, blue, grey and grunge) and 2 designs (with or without lizard print). You best wear them with one of their natural “partners” - the solo vshirts (non-mesh items) – which are available in (almost) the same colours/designs. Btw: Right now, all new releases are only available at the Sydney Fashion Week. 

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Pants & Boxers: Legal Insanity - maxos shorts blue (Sidney Fashion Week Exclusive) 
Shoes: ..:: Energie ::. Champions Sneakers (colour changeable) 

Hair: *Dura Boys&Girls*34 Black (New Release!) 
Tattoo: :Wicked Tattoos: - Strength Tattoo (rotating MM Prize) 
T-Shirt: Legal Insanity - solo vshirt lizard grey/black (Sidney Fashion Week Exclusive)

Weekend Sale @ [ hoorenbeek ]

[ hoorenbeek ] released its new Mesh Brooklyn Leather Jackets and - as an introductory offer - has them on sale for L$ 200 this weekend only!!

( => click picture to enlarge !)

These jackets are available in six colours and come in two styles each: open and closed.

They include a variety of t-shirts to wear with them. You get three printed tees plus a tintable one, and each tee comes in two versions: with V-Neck and with rounded neck. Each version also includes two wear options: untucked and half tucked. The half tucked version again comes in two lengths: for high rise and for low rise pants with belts.

Because the half tucked versions didn't work so well with my LaRosa pants I only show you the untucked versions on the picture.

Last but not least the tan, brown and burgundy coloured jackets include two different leather versions as you can also see on the picture. Almost needless to mention, each package contains three sizes and all the alphas needed, including some full body options.

Don't miss out on this sale! Here's your taxi!

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Mesh College Baseball Jackets Released

Crickets released a series of 3 College Baseball Jackets which you can buy as a complete set together with a pair of mesh pants and low rise mesh boots for only 99 L$ each (limited introductory offer). Each of the mesh jackets come in two versions – with and without logos/print. 

Crickets Mesh College Baseball Jacket without logos/print.
( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Complete Outfit: Crickets - New York Blue Outfit Set (3 different designs available) 

Hair: .::MADesigns HAIR::. ~ TYLER ~ Dark Brown V (free) 
Skin: Egoisme - Evian - Davide Tan (Latest Release! Can be bought in a fatpack with VIVIDTONE option to colour the skin in an individual tone)

Crickets Mesh College Baseball Jacket with logos/print.
 ( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Go With The Flow

Mixing and matching some items that made it into my inventory recently.

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Cap: ::[BuFu]::Prod0.7_CAP CUSTOM. 
T-Shirt (left): flow . Hood Tee - Black. 
T-Shirt (right): flow . Hood Tee – Camo. 
Pants: +grasp+/Cargosarrouel shorts(mesh)/BlackCamo/Men's (7 more designs available, can be worn with and without suspenders)

Piercings: Phoebe - August Heat Hunt 2 GIFT. 
Tattoo: MenstuffHunt Gift #108 v3 Tattoo 
Bracelet: Menstuff Hunt Gift #51 Chop Zuey (comes with a necklace) 
Boots: Death Row Designs - drd - heavy steel (old MM prize, probably available for sale)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

MENStuff Hunt & =Razorblade Jacket=

Today I mix and match some items I collected during the MENStuff Hunt with the =Razorblade Jacket= Nylon Hoodies I got at the Fashion Voodoo. There are 12 hoodie designs available and each can be worn in 3 different ways as you can see on the picture. 

( => click picture to enlarge !) 

MESH (click here for links & hints to the MENstuff hunt items). 
Eyes: Menstuff Hunt Gift #74 A:S:S (not resizable) 
Hoodie left: =Razorblade Jacket= Nylon Hoodie /// Green Stripe (up) 
Hoodie center: =Razorblade Jacket= Nylon Hoodie /// Gravedigger (down) 
Hoodie right: =Razorblade Jacket= Nylon Hoodie /// Plain Black (open) 
Pants: =Razorblade Jacket= Jaw Breaker /// Worn Jean Short - Stonewash. @ The Men's Department 

Hair: .::MADesigns HAIR::. ~ ENELL ~ (Fashion Voodoo Exclusive, all colours available) 
Skin: Menstuff Hunt Gift #12 Akeruka Italian Creations 
Necklace: Menstuff Hunt Gift #54 Look it's Exquisite Jewellery 
Tattoo: Menstuff Hunt Gift #65 Tattomaniak 
Shoes: Menstuff Hunt Gift #138 *** FA CREATIONS ***