Sunday, August 25, 2013

A First Look @ Mesh Clothes With The SL Materials Viewer

With the new [ hoorenbeek ] Mesh Leather Pants just released and on sale this weekend I bought the black ones to check them out. For the first time [ hoorenbeek ] not only includes multiple wear options with a product but also gives you 3 different “light versions”, one which is especially made for the new Second Life Materials Viewer, so I installed the version on my PC.

The first “light version” that [ hoorenbeek ] calls “static lights” (left picture) is what we are used to: the reflections and shadows are “built” into the texture. Then there's a “mixed lights” version included in the package which I don't show. Finally, we have the “dynamic lights” version which works only with one of the new materials viewers. Its texture is a highly detailed surface on which the respective windlight casts its lights and shadows for a more realistic look. (Hope this explanation is technically correct, lol.) 

Old versus New Look
( => click picture to enlarge !) 

Does the materials viewer improve our SL experience? Admittedly, it does look cool. And any designer who is able to create the new products will love this because basically we all have to start from scratch again if we want the latest look. This means: We have to buy new skins and hairs that reflect the light and new clothes/accessories to show a depth of texture only possible with materials viewers. Just like Mesh made our system clothes (mostly) redundant, the new materials viewers will divide us into those with the drab old look and those with the shiny new, more realistic and seemingly 3-dimensional texture features on our avatars, apparel and builds. 

And here's a close-up:
Old versus New Look
( => click picture to enlarge !) 

On Him (=> If no SLURL is linked, click sidebar store/event logo for a teleport!) 
Pants: [ hoorenbeek ] Mesh Leather Pants – Black (New Release! 6 colours available)

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